Monday, April 13, 2009

... and out come the douchebags!

Ok so its warming up outside. I understand that. Actually I really enjoy it. But seriously, that's no excuse. Guys should not wear flip flops. Ever. If you're not at the beach, wearing flip flops should not cross your mind. If you're at the beach, its regular man sandals or nothing. Girls you're all fine, you can wear flip flops all you want and it won't bother me a bit. But guys don't. You look so ridiculous, holy crap. No, I don't believe you're a surfer, or any other crap you think you're pulling off. We live in Minnesota, I can't think of a state that is farther from an ocean. Sorry, you're just not fooling anyone. Sandals=acceptable, flip flops=douche! Its very simple. I'll say it again: sandals=acceptable, flip flops=douche! I guess if you want to look like a douche, then by all means go for it, that's probably why you're wearing that Hollister shirt too. Just recognize that by choosing to dress like a huge douchebag, you are choosing to throw away all self respect.

p.s. if you don't understand the title reference, I'll forgive you this time:

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